Todays Thought

Friendship is not measured in terms of time and distance. It is measured by how much space they occupy your heart despite the time and distance.

Word For the Day

Intransigent : - unwilling or refusing to change ones views

General Notice


Dear Parents and Students, please note the following: 1. School will remain closed for students on 19th, 20th and 21st Nov 2024, in view of the elections. 2. 12th, 13th, 14th Nov 2024, will be full working days for std VIII, IX, X. They will leave from School at 3:10 pm on these days. 2. School will leave at 3:10 pm on Sat 23rd Nov for std V to X, and on 30th, Nov 2024, for Std III to X.



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Our Mission

To instill in every child a sense of responsibility, eventually leading to self-discipline.

To pursue relevant social outreach programmes with a view to spread the 'Message' to the surrounding neighbourhood.

To help every child evaluate her/his own performance and to help her/him make an honest effort to forge ahead with determination till the goal is reached.

Our Vision

The school envisages providing equal opportunity to empower every child

to live with dignity,
to serve selflessly,
to contribute her/his best to society

and to eventually become a proud citizen contributing to a global world.

About Us

Enabling education is the cornerstone of a progressive society. Quality school education holds paramount importance in preparing a character-driven, value-based, self-confident and achieving young generation. While the demand forces are overwhelming, distinctively satisfying educational institutions, particularly at school level, are few and far between. Nalanda Public School was founded on 7th June 2003 under the aegis of the Soham Foundation, by Mr Chaitanya N Parekh, an entrepreneur and a man with a vision. The school is perceived as a response to The Foundation’s commitment to social endeavour and is conceived & programmed to be the school with a difference. Nalanda Public school has set its objective to create a caring and conducive environment where skills and attitudes for life-long learning are nurtured, thus sowing seeds for a self-confident, secure, positive minded, compassionate and progressive human being. The essential focus is on development of the child in all aspects: intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual so that she/he conducts herself/ himself ethically and lawfully, leading a fulfilling life.

Awards & Recognition