The Literary club (2015-16) began with a workshop on ‘Speech and Stage presence’ for the students of Stds 5 and 6 by theatre person Sudeep Modak.

Mr. Sudeep conducted activities which emphasized the fact that the majority of our learning occurs through observation. He thus emphasized that listening, observing and recollecting are tools and techniques which are fundamental to effective presentation.

Mr. Sudeep then proceeded to emphasize the importance and basics of projecting one’s voice. He focused on clarity, volume/pitch and confidence as he conducted activities using nursery rhymes and tongue twisters. The session ended with a discussion and Q-A session wherein Mr. Sudeep informed the students about the five sources of sound/speech namely the stomach, chest region, throat, nose and brain. He spoke to them about the need to be confident, aware and centered when speaking before an audience.

The students participated enthusiastically throughout the programme and we’re sure that they’d be delighted to have him over again!


The second session of the literary club (2015-16) was held for the students of Stds IX & X by Mr. Puneet Garg based on the topic ‘Elements of a good story’.

As an advertising professional, Mr. Garg used his knowledge of advertising to explain the nuances of a story. ‘A good advertisement tells you a good story in as brief a moment as possible,’ he explained. He ensured an interactive session by asking the students the need to write a story and informing them that the source of any good, engaging story is life itself. He underlined the fundamental trajectory of any well told story by stating the fact that the distance that a character travels through the course of identifying and resolving his/ her conflict is what makes for an interesting , but more importantly, inspiring story. He illustrated the same through small advertisement clips and by narrating a short story of his own. The children were inspired by his own journey as an advertiser, writer and spiritual seeker and asked him umpteen questions, the answers to which, we hope will inspire them to write beautiful and well told stories of their own.